It is with great sadness that the family of Agnes Smith announced her passing on Sunday June 4th 2023 at the age of 63.
Agnes will be greatly missed by her daughter Macada and her son Henderson and her grandchildren, family and friend from dialysis and church.
She will be fondly remembered by many many family members and friends who took their time to show their wonderful support wherever it was needed.
A special thank you to all of them.

Agnès Smith
Les condoléances à la famille
It is with fond memories that we remember Agnes. She loved her family very much. She was also a God fearing person. She loved the Bible and her Heavenly Father, Jéhovah: Révélation (Apocalypse) 21: 3,4 says “….Look the tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tears from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry or pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. We long to see her beautiful smile! Ole & Josie Christensen Québec, Québec
We will miss studying the Bible with Anne-Marie. She loved learning about Jehovah and His son Jesus Christ. One of her favorite scriptures was Rev 21:3-4. We look forward to seeing her again in the resurrection John 5:28-29, Job 14:14-15.
We will miss studying the Bible with Anne-Marie. She loved learning about Jehovah and His son Jesus Christ. One of her favorite scriptures was Rev 21:3-4. We look forward to seeing her again in the resurrection John 5:28-29, Job 14:14-15.
We will miss studying the Bible with Anne-Marie. She loved learning about Jehovah and His son Jesus Christ. One of her favorite scriptures was Rev 21:3-4. We look forward to seeing her again in the resurrection John 5:28-29, Job 14:14-15.