Ke Li Wang

On the bright sunny morning of December 23rd, 2023, at 11:28AM, Ke Li Wang (王克利; also known as Kevin), departed at age 54 from Montreal, Canada, to find his eternal rest. Since his arrival in Montreal over 20 years ago, Ke Li never sought the comfort and luxury that he could have easily gotten. Instead, he found happiness in simple things in life, such as reading, traveling the world and helping those around him. He also had a passion for soccer, that he played regularly for the longest time. He closely followed world cups and various professional leagues, especially FC Barcelona and his favorite player Lionel Messi.

Ke Li always had a modest and independent lifestyle. He never wanted to bother people with his problems, while he gladly gave to others without expectation of return. His premature departure due to an acute cancer-like disease has left behind the many friends whose lives he has impacted, who will always remember him for his selflessness.

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Les condoléances à la famille

兄弟,原谅我知道的太晚了,很多年没能和你一起踢球了,但仍然记得我们在一起踢了很多年球,在我们刚来蒙特利尔的头几年认识了龙队的一帮朋友,一起踢球一起喝酒,那段时光是我自己在加拿大最快乐的日子。 愿你在天堂快乐的无忧无虑的辉洒着你那自信的球技。。。

Yi Z., 18 janvier 2025

We lost a dear friend and a passionate soccer enthusiast. I will always remember the time we spent on the soccer field—playing the game we loved, sharing laughs, and talking endlessly about matches and teams. Ke Li’s love for soccer was unmatched, and his joy for the game brought people together. Though he left us too soon, I like to think he’s now playing under the perfect sunshine in heaven, still chasing the ball with the same passion. Ke Li, your friendship and love for the game will stay with us forever. Rest in peace, my friend.

Sai C., 18 janvier 2025


xiang L., 18 janvier 2025


Grace L., 22 décembre 2024

今天,我进个球 今天,我进个球, 送给我的朋友, 愿你去天堂的路上 一路好走。 今天,我进个球, 送给我的朋友, 在你宁静的微笑中, 和你挥手。 今天,我进个球, 送给我的朋友, 多少往日的回忆, 不堪回首。 愿天堂也有足球, 也有你的赛场, 也有你的欢笑, 也有你的朋友。 今天,我进个球, 送给我的朋友。

东 ., 22 décembre 2024

哥们,一年了,那边过得还好吗?今年Montreal 的秋天一点都不好看,远不如去年咱俩看到的浓烈。世界越来越乱,没什么好留恋的,除了足球。球还在踢着,毛哥都夸我进步了,不知道是不是你在给我力量…50+咱们也是冠军,你要是能来会很开心的。 曼城崩了,巴萨也快烂尾了,但我不太在意,好像梅老板为我们圆了梦后,我就看淡了输赢,你还在执着吗? 好好歇着,明年再来看你 老师

Weihua W., 22 décembre 2024

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