On the bright sunny morning of December 23rd, 2023, at 11:28AM, Ke Li Wang (王克利; also known as Kevin), departed at age 54 from Montreal, Canada, to find his eternal rest. Since his arrival in Montreal over 20 years ago, Ke Li never sought the comfort and luxury that he could have easily gotten. Instead, he found happiness in simple things in life, such as reading, traveling the world and helping those around him. He also had a passion for soccer, that he played regularly for the longest time. He closely followed world cups and various professional leagues, especially FC Barcelona and his favorite player Lionel Messi.
Ke Li always had a modest and independent lifestyle. He never wanted to bother people with his problems, while he gladly gave to others without expectation of return. His premature departure due to an acute cancer-like disease has left behind the many friends whose lives he has impacted, who will always remember him for his selflessness.
Ke Li Wang